Spelling can be fun! These 4th grade spelling bee aim to do just that with a variety of weekly themes.
Spelling Bee for 4th Grade: The list of spelling words our son has been practicing for the fourth grade this year is provided below. Weekly word sheets are sent to him, and the stack of papers grows rapidly.
Putting them all down here and throwing away the paper copies seemed like a good idea. Fewer mess. Study more!
These lists are an excellent resource for learning new words to spell if you have a fourth-grader or even just a youngster you want to challenge with some new words.
For each list, I thought it would be simpler to type out rather than create printable worksheets. In this manner, you can use Word to create a document with the words you want to work on and additional words if you want.
He uses different spelling words for different vowel sounds and letter blends.
The emphasis on correct punctuation has led them to also include proper nouns in their spelling lists recently.
- backpack
- track
- attack
- slack
- jacket
- crack
- package
- blacktop
- backbone
- feedback
- racket
- knapsack
- smack
- hijacker
- acknowledge
- mermaid
- braid
- prepaid
- afraid
- Raid
- thorn
- newborn
- scorn
- forlorn
- unicorn
- desktop
- raindrop
- lollipop
- flop
- shopper
- handshake
- snowflake
- remake
- retake
- shortcake
- cupcake
- earthquake
- keepsake
- milkshake
- partake
- wake
- forsake
- mistake
- snakes
- taken
- female
- upscale
- whale
- impale
- exhale
- stale
- scale
- bale
- kale
- telltale
- wholesale
- tattletale
- nightingale
- folktale
- gold
- scold
- Old Navy
- scaffold
- withhold
- scouted
- pout
- trout
- knockout
- outstanding
- peer
- sneered
- jeer
- reindeer
- Pioneer
Since I am aware that this is a lengthy list and it is unlikely that you will be able to finish it all at once, I advise you to save it and practice going through the words in alphabetical order.