9th Grade Spelling Words
Most adults, including parents and teachers, find it difficult to spell these 9th Grade words! Make your best spellers of any grade work harder with this collection of words! At the conclusion of a competitive spelling bee competition, you can also use them as challenge words.
When your students learn how to use and spell words like ubiquitous, idiosyncrasy, rococo, and more, they will become more confident writers.
List of Spelling Words in 9th Grade
absorption | accompaniment | accomplice |
acquiesce | acquittal | affiliation |
altercation | ambassador | ambiguous |
animosity | apparatus | approximately |
austerity | authentic | authenticate |
auxiliary | benevolent | blasphemous |
bravado | camouflage | capricious |
carburetor | cavalcade | celestial |
cerebral | chagrin | chaotic |
chasm | chastise | chronic |
citadel | clique | cocoon |
conceivable | concurrent | conscientious |
consciousness | contiguous | correspondence |
corroborate | curriculum | defamation |
deprivation | derelict | diffidence |
disastrous | dissociate | distinction |
diurnal | dominant | dormitory |
drudgery | elicit | elimination |
embroidery | equinox | escapade |
espionage | etiquette | exaggeration |
exemplary | expediency | expedient |
expunge | facsimile | fallacy |
feasibility | fictitious | finesse |
fluorescent | fulfill | grammatically |
gruesome | handkerchief | hideous |
hindrance | homogenize | hypocrisy |
idiosyncrasy | impasse | impropriety |
incandescent | incessant | inconsolable |
indelible | indispensable | indisputable |
insufficient | interrogative | irreconcilable |
irrelevant | irrevocable | judicious |
justifiable | labyrinth | liaison |
lustrous | magnanimous | magnificence |
maintenance | malicious | martyr |
melee | metamorphosis | molecular |
monotony | morose | multiplicity |
nausea | nonchalance | notoriety |
oblique | occasionally | olfactory |
omnipotent | onomatopoeia | palatable |
pandemonium | panorama | partiality |
pastime | patriarch | pediatrician |
peril | perjury | philanthropist |
picturesque | pittance | playwright |
poignancy | poignant | potpourri |
prejudice | premonition | primitive |
proximity | quibble | quixotic |
quizzical | recipient | redundant |
reek | relevancy | remembrance |
renegade | renovate | reservoir |
respite | retaliate | retrieve |
rococo | sabotage | salient |
satisfactorily | saunter | scavenger |
scourge | scuttle | seethe |
significance | soliloquy | spasmodic |
squalid | strenuous | stringent |
subsequent | subsistence | succinct |
summarize | supersede | surgeon |
surveillance | swelter | synthesis |
tantalize | technician | technique |
tedious | tenuous | tirade |
transcend | transient | transmutation |
tremor | turbulence | ubiquitous |
ulterior | unanimous | uncanny |
uncouth | undoubtedly | unforgettable |
upbraid | variegated | vengeance |
versatile | volatile | vulnerable |
vying | wary |
Please note that this is a general list to supplement other curriculum. The needs of your students may vary.