Consistency makes permanent.
Ever hear the saying “practice makes perfect”? Only if you’re doing it correctly in practice. You’re “practicing” incorrect spelling every time you spell a word incorrectly. Therefore, improving your spelling learn how to spell the word if you’re unsure, then practice. To build your own dictionary and track your progress, keep a running journal of words. But begin humbly!
Avoid attempting to learn every phrase at once.
Practice a couple at a time, even if you learn them all in one session. Choose the word or words that are most effective for you; it might be one, two, three, or four. After that, either start with a different term or add another to your list. Remember to practice the words you have already learned whenever you pick up a new one, as repetition makes perfect.
Go over everything again and again!
Practice the terms on your list that you already know once or twice before moving on to the ones you are unfamiliar with. It helps build confidence and is also permanent with practice.
Spelling should be practiced as though you intend to write those words correctly.
Learning to spell involves more than just completing a spelling exam. There are numerous approaches to go from winging it to knowing what to write on an exam AND correctly spelling words in sentences and paragraphs. When you think about a word, you want to teach your hands to write the letters in the proper order. Make use of the following “six ways to practice spelling.”
Make use of the words you’ve learned.
In any case, that is the purpose of learning them. Keep track of the terms you’re learning in a notebook or on a handy list so you can check your spelling. In addition, applying them is equivalent to practicing them, and practice—you know—makes perfect.