3rd Grade Spelling Bee Words
Take a look at our list of 3rd grade spelling bee words for your next classroom competition. This handy list of 100 words provides the foundation for an excellent spelling game. If you need more words, check out some of these graded word lists.
Review these words carefully to be sure they are suitable for your students. Then print the words and start your spelling bee!
1. bear
2. food
3. once
4. boxes
5. alike
6. shopping
7. almost
8. keep
9. smiled
10. along
11. anyone
12. planning
13. done
14. coming
15. arm
16. babies
17. goose
18. sadness
19. meal
20. bedtime
21. sickness
22. behind
23. maybe
24. bench
25. pancake
26. helpful
27. jeans
28. thanks
29. should
30. thirst
31. pushes
32. butter
33. matches
34. rocket
35. carries
36. price
37. chair
38. drawing
39. change
40. fired
41. cheese
42. city
43. clothes
44. forgot
45. coach
46. shirt
47. crackers
48. afternoon
49. cried
50. trying
51. unsafe
52. crumb
53. doctor
54. enjoy
55. everyday
56. goldfish
57. delight
58. haircut
59. heart
60. mouth
61. quickly
62. hobbies
63. homework
64. lightly
65. huge
66. jellyfish
67. knee
68. ladybug
69. true
70. lamb
71. lesson
72. soap
73. lively
74. strong
75. noise
76. please
77. rainstorm
78. return
79. angry
80. sparkle
81. squirt
82. studies
83. bounce
84. surely
85. chipmunk
86. video
87. visiting
88. measure
89. watched
90. tighten
91. cheerfully
92. plumber
93. although
94. believe
95. neighborhood
96. gigantic
97. caterpillar
98. surrounded
99. temperature
100. ridiculous
Tips to Practice Spelling Bee Words
1) Make sure students have enough time to prepare for spelling bee competitions. Give them plenty of spelling practice all year. Participate in spelling games and other activities.
2) Encourage students to create goals for how many words they wish to learn every week. They should also make goals for how much time they will spend studying each day.
3) Students should keep personal notebooks with the phrases they want to learn.
4) When quizzing students, use sentences that include our 3rd grade spelling bee words. This is particularly important for homonyms. For example, you’re should be defined such that it is not mistaken with your: You’re the first person to come at the party.