8th Grade Spelling Words
There are 250 difficult and interesting words on our list of spelling words for 8th grade! Being able to make use of and spell words like phenomenal, meticulous, and voracious is one of the best things there is. You can add to your own spelling program by using this wide list of 8th-grade. Worksheets, games, and puzzles can make excellent use of these terms. Many of the vocabulary used by students at this level should already be second nature to them.
Version of 8th grade spelling words
accommodate | abstain | accumulate |
accustomed | acoustics | acquaintance |
acquisition | acquittal | adolescence |
adolescent | advantageous | aerial |
amateur | amnesty | anecdote |
annoyance | anonymous | antecedent |
antidote | antiseptic | anxious |
apology | apostrophe | appendixes |
applicant | approximate | archaic |
architect | arrangement | asphalt |
asterisk | asthma | awkward |
bachelor | bankruptcy | barometer |
belligerent | berserk | besieged |
biannual | bimonthly | biographical |
brilliance | budge | burglary |
cameos | capably | caricature |
catastrophe | chameleon | chandelier |
characteristic | chauffeur | chrysanthemum |
circumference | collaborate | collateral |
colleague | colonel | confiscate |
confiscation | conscious | consequence |
considerable | contagious | controversy |
continuous | correlation | council |
counsel | criticism | criticize |
critique | crypt | cylinder |
deficiency | desirable | desolate |
deterrent | diagnosis | dialogue |
dilemma | disbursement | discernible |
discrepancy | dominance | embargo |
endeavor | envious | epidemic |
equilibrium | erroneous | escalator |
excessive | existence | extremity |
extricate | façade | fashionable |
fiasco | fibrous | fiery |
flamboyant | forgery | frivolous |
frostbitten | glamorous | gorgeous |
grotesque | gymnasium | haphazard |
hazardous | headquarters | honorary |
horrific | hospitality | incidentally |
inconvenience | indulgence | inept |
inevitable | innumerable | insistent |
insufficient | integrity | intermittent |
internally | interrogate | jewelry |
legitimate | leisure | lieutenant |
longevity | lucrative | lunar |
luncheon | luxurious | malady |
malicious | malignant | melodious |
mercenary | mesmerize | meteor |
meticulous | metropolitan | minimize |
miscellaneous | mischievous | misdemeanor |
necessity | negligence | neutral |
newsstand | nostalgia | noticeable |
obesity | obscure | obsolete |
obstinate | occurred | ominous |
optimism | optimistic | outrageous |
pageant | parachute | paralysis |
parliament | penitentiary | perceive |
permeate | perseverance | personality |
personification | persuade | phenomenon |
plaintiff | pneumonia | politician |
potential | precipice | precocious |
predecessor | preferably | prestigious |
procrastinate | propeller | prosperous |
protein | pseudonym | psychiatrist |
questionnaire | radioactive | rampage |
recurrent | rehearsal | relevant |
religious | roommate | sacrifice |
sacrificial | sanctuary | scandalized |
schedule | scheme | schism |
scholar | semester | serviceable |
shrine | shuddering | sieve |
snobbery | solitary | sophomore |
studious | subtlety | suburban |
surmise | susceptible | suspicious |
taboo | technically | technology |
tyranny | unacceptable | unconscious |
undernourished | unduly | unenforceable |
unique | universal | unpredictable |
unsanitary | utopia | vaccinate |
vacillate | venom | vertigo |
vessel | vigilant | villain |
vitamin | vivacious | vocalize |
voracious | voucher | vulnerable |
withhold |